What We’re Up To
With over 30,000 experts and customers nominating 5,000 firms across the nation, it’s an honor to see BerlinRosen named a top PR agency in the United States by Forbes.
To determine the ranking of the best PR agencies in the US, Forbes partnered with Statista. They surveyed more than 12,000 experts, such as employees of PR agencies, and over 20,000 customers (i.e., employees in PR/marketing departments or decision-makers) between June and July 2020. Respondents were asked to nominate PR agencies with which they had experience working, and self-nominations and recommendations within PR agency networks were not considered.
Through this process, Forbes received 5,000+ nominations for PR agencies across the entire nation. Participants were asked to indicate how likely they were to nominate a particular agency on a scale of zero (very unlikely) to 10 (very likely). Statista identified those firms with the highest number of recommendations and organized them into star ratings: five stars for the first half of awarded companies and four stars for the second half. A total of 200 PR firms made the final ranking.
BerlinRosen started in 2005 with a simple idea – build a communications firm that operates with the speed and intensity of a political campaign. That vision has taken us from a two-person startup to a team of 200+ professionals in New York, D.C and Los Angeles, working with the world’s top companies, organizations and candidates.
Today, we provide full-service communications, digital strategy and creative services for clients across 13 industries including technology, issue advocacy, real estate, arts, labor, lifestyle and travel.
If you’d like to read the full list and understand more about the methodology by Forbes and Statista to rank the top PR agencies in the US, click here.